Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Christmas Tree Hunt

"Feelings change, memories don't."

Joel Alexander

Now that the snow is here (and I think to stay), it's finally become reality that Christmas is just over a month away! I've started listening to Christmas tunes, crafting Christmas cards, and will soon begin baking Christmas cookies. But, one of my favourite memories of Christmas with my family is finding the perfect Christmas tree and spending time together decorating its branches.

Unfortunately, I have to wait for a bit yet because we are going to find ourselves a real tree, like we always do, and they don't last that long in the house once they are brought in. But, the SMELL is worth the wait! There's nothing like the smell of a pine or spruce in your house during the holidays.

So, since I have to wait a few weeks until our Christmas tree hunt, I figured I'd put up some pictures I took before the snow fell of some beautiful spruce needles.

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